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Hilo: Putin news - 7/07/22

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    Putin news - 7/07/22

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke on the ZDF TV channel about the threat of bankruptcy for Germany, saying that the country is not threatened by such a scenario. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.

    "No, absolutely not," the German Chancellor said, answering the relevant question. He added that, according to all forecasts, provided there is no major industrial crisis or escalation of the war with global consequences, the debt level will reach the pre-coronavirus level in a fairly short time.

    Earlier, Bloomberg reported that the German authorities were thinking about the need to get into debt in the event of a complete cessation of gas supplies from Russia. According to the interlocutors of the publication in the government, Berlin is ready to abandon the return to the principle of "black zero" in government borrowing, which assumes the maximum possible reduction in the level of public debt — up to the amounts necessary to service previous obligations.

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